About Us

Nicholas Alexander comes from a large family of seven children but is the first to follow in his father's footsteps in the gem-cutting industry. He began his journey as a young boy, toying around in his father's shop, cutting and polishing small cabs. It did not take long before his work was noticed not only by the retail market but also by fellow professionals in the Lapidary Arts.

With his two supportive parents backing him, Nicholas opened his first booth at the Tucson Gem Show at the age of fourteen. With great success, that show made a name for him in the industry and started his career.

With numerous resources under his belt, including his experienced mentors and fellow professional stone cutters, Nicholas continued to master his technique with a plan to win the most prestigious award in the country for lapidary cutting, the AGTA Spectrum Awards, before he turned 18.

Nick went on to have stones featured in museums and magazines all around the country as he perfected his art with his goal in mind. At age 17, he entered his work into AGTA Spectrum, and two weeks before he turned eighteen, he received a letter from AGTA letting him know that his 42.05ct Oregon Sunstone had placed in the Spectrum Awards. This was the first time this had been done. Nick was ecstatic and received the trophy a few months later.

Nick went on to win the AGTA Spectrum Awards again in 2022 with a 123.96ct Oregon Sunstone. Nicholas Alexander has spent the last few years expanding his knowledge in the industry by starting new companies and broadening his contacts. 


Although Nicholas has a large support group, his father continues to be his greatest encouragement. Nicholas is Darryl Alexander's son, an accomplished lapidary artist and jeweler. Darryl Alexander has been featured in museums around the world, has had handfuls of articles written about him, and obtained over 50 awards. For many years, as Nick grew up, the two spent long nights perfecting and mastering their art together. Even today, they talk and work together, spending much of their time building new ideas and concepts.

Lapidary art is Nicholas's preferred skill. However, he has also mastered the art of jewelry design over the last few years with the help of accomplished designers and jewelers. Nicholas did this so that he could bring his lapidary art directly to the retail market and be able to share his thoughts and designs with everyone. Nicholas has always believed that everything you do should be done to the best of your abilities, and because of that, he continues to work hard and cut a new path in innovation and design.

Nicholas' dad taught him, "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." The motto will carry him through his career as he continues contributing to the industry with his unique style and passion.